Originally: April 19, 2023


Duration 45 Minutes 



New USACE regulations are coming soon - are you ready? The final revised definition of “Waters of the United States" rule goes into effect on March 20, 2023. Coming next will be the requirement to establish the Ordinary High Water Mark for Rivers and Streams throughout the United States when delineating a wetland. The USACE has released the interim manual that provides a standard process, uniform datasheets, and unified field procedures to identify and delineate the OHWM of rivers and streams located throughout the Nation. 

Join us for our first webinar of 2023 as we hear from two professionals on this subject - Marc Seelinger with The Swamp School and Environmental Professional, Kala Davis. What does this new requirement mean for wetland professionals? Should you start using the new guidance during the interim year? Tune in to our fast paced 30 minute discussion to find out!